Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy
For accurate targeted radiotherapy for small tumours
Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (SABR), also know as stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), is one of the most advanced radiotherapy techniques currently available for specific tumour sites.
It focused beams of high dose radiation at tumour sites with sub-millimetre accuracy – with the aim of achieving local control in just a few short treatments.
MRIdian is the next stage in SABR with the ability to provide radiotherapy to moving tumours such as the prostate and kidney in shorter treatment cycles. By combining a linear accelerator with a high-definition MR scanner, MRIdian allows clinicians to see as they treat, adjusting the beam to allow for movements and anatomical changes and making truly adaptive SABR possible for the first time.

Dr Prantik Das was one of the first Consultant Clinical Oncologists able to offer this service to patients. Which not only provides highly accurate radiotherapy treatment but reduces the treatment time from 20 days to 5 days for prostate radiotherapy.
This treatment is delivered at the GenesisCare site in Oxford. Patients are provided free transport to and from their appointments.
If you want to enquire about treatments on the MRL please contact us here
Click here to read the case study about the first MRL patient in the UK.